Welcome to the Tanju's web gallery.

Starting at the age of 18, he acquired knowledge and experience in traditional photography. Later on he worked 10 years as a news photo journalist for a TV station. When the digital revolution emerged, he delved into advanced digital photography.

In fact, Tanju is extremely detail-oriented on all technical matters and is a very passionate person. Due to all of this; he even says that from time to time, there is not enough time for him to sleep. This means that photography and computer use are a way of life for him.

His style is unique in that his photographs convey a spiritual quality of serenity and his approach is to inspire others to more thoroughly appreciate the world around them.

He often takes nature outings with other photographer friends, he has explored most parts of Arizona, where he lives, and has had the opportunity to observe the beauty of nature.

Now, please sit back and enjoy visiting his gallery, which consists of 16 categories. Btw; he created this gallery entirely by himself. We hope you'll enjoy your time exploring his gallery.

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© 2008-2023 NATUREHIKE.NET. All Rights Reserved. This site was launched in 2008. All images and text appearing in this site are the exclusive property of Tanju Bayramoglu and may not be  reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated without the written permission of Tanju Bayramoglu

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